Book Session
Loz & Ludo.jpg

Hi, I’m Loz, a creative storyteller and pet photographer from Melbourne, Australia. 

The one that would change everything…

The one that would change everything…


In an earlier draft, my story was heading into science, order and routine until a young man with big feet, a pot belly and long ears came into my life and everything changed… 

I have loved dogs ever since I can remember - so much so that one of my earliest nicknames from my family was 'Woofer'.  Apparently, before I could talk, I would sit up and make 'barking' noises at passersby. This fascination progressed, as did my communication skills (thankfully), into pestering my parents for a dog every birthday and Christmas until they finally caved and said yes...  when I was 16. 

My Dad and I were looking for Labrador breeders when we came across that tiny, pot bellied sleepy Beagle who hadn't yet grown into his ears - needless to say, we didn't get a Labrador…

My desire to hug all of the animals began at an early age - at about 2 years old I ‘disappeared’ for about half an hour in the back yard and returned clutching the neighbours cat. I think it took my parents a while to release the cat from my ‘hug’ but it was (eventually) returned safely to its owners
— Loz Dalton, Animal Obsessor