Portrait Background Options

Choosing a background to really bring out your furry friend can be tricky with so many choices, let me take you through some of the options…


Colourful Backgrounds

If your dog has a bold attention-grabbing personality and you want to reflect that in their portrait then one of my colourful backgrounds (think bright blues, pinks, greens, yellows, purples) would be the choice for you. 

We’ll chose a favourite colour of yours or a colour that compliments their coat perfectly and will add a delightful splash of joy to your walls.  


Neutral Backgrounds

If you want your dog to shine with minimal distractions then my neutral backgrounds (soft greys, creams and whites) would be your go to.

They will convey simplicity, elegance and a clean foundation for your dog to take centre stage. 


Vintage Textured Backgrounds

These backgrounds are classic in fine art portraiture and will give your dog a nostalgic feel to their portrait. They create a timeless, cinematic feel that feels a cross between photography and illustration.